Thursday, November 30, 2006

I could've never dreamed..

I guess I am going to be heading out out of here tomorrow. My master seems, more depressed than I do really.. I can't quite put my finger on it.. It's almost as if she were fading .. I have mulled over much and my stay in the infirmiry has helped me come to terms with what has happened. I didn't really go looking for trouble, trouble found me as it often does. it shook me to my core.. I don't know how or why but I am prepared to face whatever decision the council has for me.

The next evening, maybe about 9 o'clock-----------------------------------------------------------------------

I can't believe it.. This happened so fast.. Earlier today I was called before the council. My master was standing there, a a mixed look of sorrow and pride on her face. I looked hesitently to Obi Wan. He didn't give me the slightest inclination what was about to happen. My master bade me kneel before her and then she spoke, in a calm unwavering voice, but behind It I could see she was crying.
"I have made a grievous error which you will have to repent for in all of your days. You remember those words I spoke to you sometime ago . That anytime you make a mistake you must take care of it on your own. You were a faithful padawan and lived up to my every expectation and beyond my child. Now it is time for me to let you go. It is with the greatest pleasure and honor I have in saying this to you. "
My breath stilled in my throat. What in all skies name was going to happen? Did I dare even have an inkling.. A tweak in the force that.. I was about to be knighted?

Jedi are the guardians of peace in the galaxy.Jedi use their powers to defend and protect, never to attack others.Jedi respect all life, in any form.Jedi serve others rather than ruling over them, for the good of the galaxy.Jedi seek to improve themselves through knowledge and training. So therefore be you without fear in the face of your enemies.
Be you brave and upright that the Presence may love thee.
Speak the truth always,
even if it leads to your death.
Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.
That is your oath and your bond.

The blue blade sliced away my padawan braid with a quick flick of her wrist . " Rise my daughter, my padawan, today begins the first day of the rest of your life" Tears were barely choked back as I stood on shaky knees to accept the new shinging silver lightsaber from my master's hands.
As the cool metal touched my fingers my master.. she.. she vanished like smoke.. It came as no suprise to me, for she had forwarned me of such an event occuring whenever I should be knighted. It was the way of her people to pass into the summerland when their time was done. Master Para knew it for sometime now. i kneeled respectfully before the council as I got the bawling out I so richly deserved probably in most's opinion, but I bit my tongue and kept silent.

The first thing I was going to do as a newly knighted jedi is work myself to reigning in my temper as best I could.. It would be slow going believe me, but jedi get better through training right? So that's what I would do.. But first it was time to celebrate a little bit.. But first.. I fingered the chip that dangled at my neck.. I turned over what it could mean in my head a thousand times over .. I couldn't figure out a thing. as much confort as the thing gave me, which was weird in itself... I knew I had to turn it over to Obi Wan to see if the council knew what it meant. So I sealed it up in an envlope along with a scribbled note and left it where Obi Wan would find it..

When I finally got back to my room, it was like walking into a new house all over again. I never expected to see this place ever after that night. I dropped my bag in the doorway and like a 3 year old took a running leap onto the bed... I was giggling like an idiot and didn't give a crap much.. Either the stress was finally making me crack, or this was how all jedi felt right after they got knighted.. I made a mental note to ask Anakin about that.. But for now... I flipped on the SonarStation 3 it was time to kill some winglies in speeders.. heh


Vegeta said...


Phobia said...

*grins sheepishly * thanks.. This was the one thing I DIDN'T expect when I was called to see the council

Anonymous said...

Congrats! *hugs*

Skywalker said...

Well, hot dawg! Congrats!

Master Obi-Wan said...

*bows* I knew you would make it.

Phobia said...

Thank you everyone..All of you had faith in me when I did not have faith in myself. For that I am immensely grateful . I don't know how I could've made it if it wern't for all of you.*bows to master Obi Wan*