Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Nightmares and Dreamscapes

The trip from Naboo to Endor was a silent and tense one. I wasn't paying much attnetion to anyone or anything really. I only took food whenever I was pressured to by Godfrey or Belda. The rest of the time I either simply stared out the window or slept.My spirt felt run down and ragged.

I could tell in my apperance too, there was no " life energy" I was like one of those macabre statues that served the necromancer's bidding.

We finally arrived on Endor two days later. The moment I stepped off the ship the warm air hit my face like steam. there was no doubt.. She had been here.. The question now was.. Was she still here?

With some help from the Ewoks and a few humans who had decided to call Endor their home we found out that yes. She had been here, and yes we had missed her. But she left with someone who apparently she had met on planet.My stomach sunk through the ground..

We were taken to where she had stayed. A spartan cabin. Her childlike looks had decieved them all into thinking that she had "been seperated from her papa" as she had told them and if she stayed here he would come and search for her.

" What did the person look like she left with?" Godfrey asked, , a muscle was working in his jaw. ire building.

" He was tall about six feet with brown hair, dressed like you two.He had a beard "

Belda's cries of horror pierced my brain and I dropped to my knees shaking uncontroably.. Had she done it? Had she commited the sacrilige?

Godfrey helped me to my feet and looped an arm under mine. " Did she give any indication as to where she was going?"

The young man shook his head

So here we were , at an impasse. Did we go back to Coruscant? Or did we search further, hopefully yielding a clue as to where she was heading now?

It was just then a small foot kicked inside of me, causing me to jump.I turned to Godfrey who was studying the cabin with a critical eye. " one of the twins just kicked me" I mumured, giggling like an insane girl on chocolate.

His eyes lit up, a grin breaking across his face" Really?" he placed a hand on my stomach. I wasn't all that far along,but they were stronger than any usual children. Another kick and I blinked, whichever of them it was, they were pointing towards the right. I went over, kneeling by the corner of the cabin. thee was a small red stone there" Firestone" I said holding it up for the other two to see..

Belda nodded" There was some that used to grow on Catia's homeworld! I remember reading about it in the archives!"

Well we were going from one extreme to the other. The next ingredient she needed was lavarock. And there was only one place in the whole galaxy to get that..

Bidding our goodbyes to the Ewoks, who had given us each a present, despite our protests we left the planet within a few hours..As Godfrey steered the ship out into orbit I relxed in my chair.. There would a break in this mission on Mustafar one way or another.
Til Later


padawanbeldapinik said...

Ah Man Mustifar! I dont like the heat there... It flatens my hair!

Tash199 said...

Mustafar SUCKS!
whatever u do don't give up hope
do it for ur children

Phobia said...

I know and my hair will look like your's Belda LOL. but it's kind of fitting in a way..

*nods* I know.. but hope is fast fleeting these days

Godfrey Zebulon said...

Well Pho, if nothing elseit might mean a trip to the spa or at least to the beauty parlor.. You definitly should pamper yourself more..Remind me to bring you to Malastare sometime..

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

I have to agree on Mustafar, not a great place to visit.

Tash199 said...

ohhhhh spas.... we can go together since we're both pregnant

Phobia I invite u to go out to dinner with me on May 19th if u r home
if not we can talk later ;)

Anonymous said...

I ahte hate Mustafar. Been there. Remember the easter egg hunt and the giant Anakin bunny? OMG it was a mess.

Skywalker said...

Hey that bunny was cool!

Darth Vader said...

No commnet on Mustafar...

Phobia said...

This time I'll let you off the hook on that Vader, from what I've heard of that hellhole.. I can understand why.

Tash, at the rate I'm going I'm going to be galaxy hopping until my children are born lol.. We'll see.

DJK, a mess indeed.

Anakin that bunny was not cool, it was creepy. I couldn't sleep for a week.

Godfrey Zebulon said...

Beleive me, we'll get home soon I promise.. But I'm willing to bet everyone is going to be back before we are..

Tash199 said...

hey DJK has been gone for like a month :P
well I'll be home for a while with Jay and all...