Wednesday, January 03, 2007

( Catia)* Topic* Whispers in the darkness

You're probably wondering why I have been silent for a while now, well let me explain.. You see even a Sith needs time to think. All of this has come on me so fast that believe it or not, has shocked me into silence. I don't really know if what I have seen will come to pass or not. To be frank, I was scared, and still am. I pretty much know I abondened Pho when she needed me the most. .. The whole Christmas party affair, that I had to admit, it was funny , but she needed the push in the right direction. She cares for him enough she will not risk way of life and reputation.

Not even to give him a clue..

By the way, you wonder why if you ever saw my pictures in the archives I always had cats by my side? Black cats? Smart creatures they are... let me tell you... I needed to stop off and find a good salmon shop and get Gar Gar a fresh Rylothian Salmon.. he earned it ... But it'd figure.. I have not one, but two lovestruck fools on my hands. I noticed this a few days prior. Lisette had a picture in her room and when I.. or should I say we went to look, it was all i could do not to bust out laughing.

In the little collar locket Pho had gotten for Lisette was a small picture of.. Lord Kittious, Dark Kitten of the Sith.. I heard rumors about this guy.. he was a lady killer to be sure. She was nervous.. When I asked she "said "she was thinking of calling him but was scared she'd stutter and make hersellf sound like an idiot. when I say said, I mean I looked into her head and read her thoughts.. Wait why I am even talking aobut reading a cat's thoughts? anyway.. . I shook my head and walked out of the room Force I could NOT believe this! was I the only sane one around here? I'm begining to think so.

Another call from the publisher's today. Pho was going to have to sneak out of the temple for a raido interview. She was bound to ge herself into trouble with these press junkets. Someone was going to find out.. I didn' think, I KNEW it was bound for disaster. I mean whenever Anakin of all people said he read her books.. She would've been tickled pink if not for her other problem..

The more people who read her stories.. the more famous she became.. And eventually her seceret would be out in the open and she would be devistated.

I admit I enjoy her books, force.. I get to meet some of her charcters in person.. let me say Stephen is one of the few men I can have an intelligent conversation with..

But anyway.. when recent events unfolded..I kind of went into a hibernation sleep. First of all.. I couldn't talk to Pho in the future.. you have no idea how much that unnerved me. and when she fought Vader.. I was scared for her like maybe a mother would be scared for her daughter. I couldn't get out of this cocoon cryscalis thing I was in.. It's hard to explain without seeing it first hand, so I am going to just quit confusing the rest of you.

As for the Sith lightning, that was me, and yet that wasn't me.

I didn't have the strength to tear free of my bonds alone and it takes a lot to hold me. But then there.. I saw him.. he and I shared power.. It was his last act before he moved on into the force at last.. Thanks Xanatos.. You have my respect.

Needless to say , these past few weeks have been an eye opener for not only her, but me as well. it has caused me to rethink a lot of things , and come to terms with what has happened and what might happen. I only pray that the force gives us the strength to see us through.

I saw her in the future you know.. She had aged beyond her years, poor woman.. Both physically and mentally. she had seen horrors no woman should have to face, made choices she should have never been forced to make.. and it's all my fault.. the only good thing about that whole bit is she finally found someone who loves her and she loves in return. I don't know the rhyme or reason of it, but he reminded me of someone.. Ivan.. i knew he did when I first saw that chip..

The only time I ever saw her smile was in his presence.. He lifts a great weight off of her shoulders and heart. She shines when he is with her. the rest of the time.. She is like a machiene.. dull ,lifeless, dead.. Void of all emotion and thought. Just gettingfrom day to day. Perhaps i should finish the job myself. I know the answer to the riddle.. I could finish off Lord Vader in this era easily.. But Phobia would not believe me.. I know she wouldn't. there is an old saying from my late master.. "There is danger for him who taketh the tiger cub,and danger for whoso snatches a delusion from a woman."

Oh my dear sister, daughter.. partner.. if you could only see.. He is not your brother.. He is your greatest enemy.. and I dare not breathe a word until it is too late.. Force forgive me and I pray when the time comes, we can make a quick end to him....
Til Later
Au Voir Catia Ravenstone

( P.S 50th post comming. .. If I get a little weepy.. sorry.. Party at Dex's, if you can make it, drop a comment on this post okie? thanks!)


Erifia's Author said...

Congrats on the 50th. I know how special that one is. Wait until the 100th. It took me two weeks of working on, but inevitably I got it done.

Summer Dawn O'Ciardha said...

The Lady in your head, has sloppy french. That means she should be easy to control. Au Revoir.

Sorry, thats in my nature.

(We posted our 50th today.)

Phobia said...

hmm thanks much for the tip Summer* grins* but I think this past post got typed in a hurry.. Or maybe she does that on purpose just because she knows it's sloppy.. she does things like that..

Skywalker said...

Somneon pointing out sloppy french! Who does htat remind me of....

Anonymous said...

Gar gar will enjoy that.