Monday, August 06, 2007

Slipping through the fog

The ship shuddered and goraned as we landed in the hangar bay. I felt cold, very cold. Godfrey supported me as we walked down the ramp. I was shivering nonstop. Thngs were floating at random intervals and moving back to the floor. I recieved odd looks from the other knights passing me in the halls.

Then it happened.

A fellow knight who had been the bane of my existance since I was just a todler appeared seemingly out of the depths of my mind. " What's the matter Deimos? Still need people to baby you? I can't see why you're hanging ot with such .. respectable people as Ivan.." She clearly had the look of someone who had the odor of something bad under their nose. " you and that Skywalker guy are all alike. the prophecy is trash.. The only reason why the order wanted him is because they felt sorry for him . He's trash just like you.. all of you misfits.. You're not worthy of the rank of knight"

Now Samantha Harris made one big mistake there.

She picked the wrong damn day to piss me off.

The shaking stopped and I felt my hand burn.. and it kept burning until I screamed out in pain. What I felt wasn't rage.. You could call it anger I don't know.. maybe just simple .. fact?
" You picked the wrong day to make me mad Harris" I snarled, stepping away from Godfrey, eyes narrowed.

"Aww what's the widdle baby gonna do? go cry to Master yoda?"

I didn't even actually call on the force, it came to me with only a thought. Samantha hit the wall with a sickening force and slid down the wall. There was a crater sized dent in the wall where her head had hit. Godfrey ran over and checked her pulse. But I knew there was no point anyway.
She was dead.

I remember falling, being caught by Godfrey I think. When I woke up again. I was in my room . Alone.
A knock at the door. Who could that be? Anakin? Obi Wan? I ran to answer it. there was no one there but I did find a brown box on the doorstep. I picked it up in my arms and opened it. My body went rigid and I dropped the box onto the floor, the contents rolling out. I began shaking in a seizure as my eyes went totally white for what seemed like minutes on end . When I came to I saw what had happened. I saw her last moments.

For in the box was the head of the woman who I had just accidently killed earlier that afternoon. Samantha Harris.
********Earlier that Afternoon******************
When I woke up the first time Godfrey was with me in my room as was Master Yoda.
" Tell what happened you will" he said in a calm voice, clearly troubled by what I had done.
I explained all that had transpired on the Black Widow, down to Zan Arbor saving me from Catia. At that point Yoda interrupted.

" Why did you not tell the council of what you had done?" he asked.
I looked him straight in the eye" Can you honestly tell me that you would've helped me? Not kept me like a dnagerous dog at arms length only to be used as you saw fit?I know you wouldn't personally, but the will of many can override the will of one. I stayed silent bearing the torture on my own for my own preservation. And to save others"

He nodded for me to go on and I did, explaining how my powers had come back so viloently and so fast they had made me sick and how Godfrey tended to me on the way back.
Yoda turned to Godfrey" Just a freind she is?" with a look on his face that plainly said he knew more.
He blushed around his ears a little" Yes, just a freind. for now"

Motioning for me to continue I told of our encounter in the hallway and how other knights and masters had seen Samantha provoke me first into a fight when I had no quarrel with her. My powers had simply gone out of control. End of story. She should have known better than to push me.
"Speak to Master Windu I will about this. Rest you both should now" He turned and let himself out of the apartment with a small sigh.

Godfrey's com beeped. It was Bail" I'm so sorry hon but I have to meet Bail downstairs for a meeting. I will be back as fast as I can okay?"

I nodded" Just make it quick.. maybe once you get back we can find out the good uses for these new powers.." I trailed off meeting his eyes.

He smirked" I'll be back before you can even say quicksilver" He kissed me quickly and was off for his meeting. After pacing the apartment for a while I settled down to sleep on the couch. I had been woken by the door knock
************ present***********************
The eyes were open but she stared up at me with a malicious smile. " You're next bloodfilth!" she screeched before falling silent entirely.

I slumped to the floor in a dead faint.

Voices.. voices around me..

" Is she okay?"

" How long was she out for?"

" that's one nasty bump on her head!"

"Geezus who'd be sick enough to leave a severed head in a box?"

" She looks a little paler than before"

"Pho? Pho? you have to wake up.." I could feel the warm energy of his hands in mine. Slowly I managed to wake.

Crowded around my bed in the healer's ward were Belda, Mace,Cin and Godfrey. And hovering next to my head in a hologram was a welcome face I hadn't seen in some time .


He smiled thinly" Glad to see your awake Mis I don't sleep in past 9 am.. Geez and they said I was bad."

" It's good to hear your voice again Anakin. I've missed you"

Mace cleared his throat" um.. as much as I hate to break up a reunion here. there are more important matters at hand. "

Anakin smiled apologetically through the holo. I saw he had his headset on for his fighter. He must've been en route.

"Phobia tell us what happened" Mace said quietly, eyes searching my face.

Slowly I began to retell the story of what had happened with Samantha right up to when I had fainted in the hall. apparently Godfrey had come back from his meeting and found me passed out, blood seeping from the wound on my head. He had brought me to the healer's at once.

"How can we be sure she didn't have something to do with this? " Cin asked suddenly, the whole room fell silent.Tenshion was thick. I could tell this had been on everyone's minds. Well most everyone.

"Search the force Cin, Phobia would not do something like this. No matter how much she and Harris might not have gotten along. "

I breathed a sigh of relief, at least most believed me.

" We need to let her rest. Godfrey will you stay with her?" Mace asked turning to him
He nodded and the others were ushered from the room. Anakin smiled sadly" Bunch of nutters the lot of them. But I'm glad they aren't trying to pin this on you. I'll see you as soon as I can" With that the holo clicked off.

I shifted in my bed facing Godfrey for a moment." You know I wouldn't do this but you know who would?"

He nodded meeting my eyes" Catia, no question"

Had she broken into the temple to murder Samantha? or had she lured Samantha to her? The cut had been clean but the blood what there was of it had been applied after, like some morbid canvas.It was a lightsaber cut.

Was Zan Arbor releasing Catia such a good idea? It really didn't matter now did it? What was done was done. And there was a psycho Jedi slayer on the loose.


padawanbeldapinik said...

Master first I must say I am glad you are back.
I along with my friends are here to help you solve this mystery. Never underestimate the little people like myself. Tee-Hee, welcome back you was missed!

Anonymous said...

"psycho Jedi slayer on the loose"

Why doesnt this suprize me? I know a few of them myself.

Skywalker said...

"He's trash just like you.."

Ok, now that just annoys the *BEEP outa me!

Talinda Blackrose said...


Tash199 said...

Ani get over it xD

I am so glad u're back at the temple I hope to see u by the time me and 'Evil Ani' r back

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

Dark Jedi Kriss said...
"psycho Jedi slayer on the loose"

Why doesnt this suprize me? I know a few of them myself.

Sometimes it seems like they're all over the place...

Phobia said...

Belda: Thank you.. I'm glad to be back but I'd rather be back to doing somethinf productive and active.. Inactivity drives me crazy

DJK: Well the others are just.. wanna bes.. Cat.. she's the real thing

Ani: Now you know why I hated her effing guts?

Jon: it's just that most are idiots.. few are great enough to be remembered.. she was..

Godfrey Zebulon said...

*grins* it's the question of how fast can she be taken down ? time will tell..

Catia Ravenstone said...

Keep dreaming toadspawns, you'll never beat me.

Flik Sivrak said...

A Sith will always be her own destruction, Catia...

The Council must be desprate if they let folks who can't control their anger be Jedi. It's a mad house.

Jay72 said...

I know a FEW so called 'Jedi' that can't control their anger
not in present day... don't ask please

Spider-man said...

Headwounds can be nasty, hope it gets better soon!