Thursday, June 28, 2007


The universe spins like a great top, always in motion. For one to learn to take their chance on the rise and hide in the fall, that is true power. It is a power many have forgotten and few remember.

I.. remember

One of my first lessons, you rise and fall with the twist of the thread. You seize your chance when the dogs of Hades are at other's throats.

Some Jedi are smart, I will give them that. Even wise. " until possible becomes actual, it is only a distraction"

Never were truer words spoken. But.. in the heat of battle, in the flames of passion, all falls away into nothingness. Everyone has a weak spot. Everyone.

Even me.

It all depends on how well you guard your weak spot ,as to how long you will be alive and how far you will go.

Me ? I guarded myself well, very well. But I made one mistake the first time, one I will never make ever again.

I let someone in, I cared for someone.

It was my apprentice; not Marasha, but Bane.. I let him in, treated him as a mother would a son.

And he betrayed me in cold blood.

One afternoon while we had lunch, he was talking to me and the next moment he had stabbed me in the leg with a poison killed me.

For centuraies I waited, plotted my revenge. I watched the years pass by me, worlds becoming the Reupbulic you know today. What utter foolishness! With the galaxy under one hand one rule then there would be no war.i had suffered the anguish of being torn from my family for one reason, because of a madman. I will not let it happen again.

But I jump ahead of myself.

I waited and watched, trapped inside of this ridiclous book.Then my chance came when I had all but given up.

A little girl ,a curious girl. She was nine years old. She was frightened, scared. Easily impressionable.She wanted to live up to everyone's expectations.

And she loved books.

So what magics I had I called her to my hiding place. She opened the book. At last! Freedom!only a partial freedom but I was out of that book.

More years passed, she grew into a beautiful woman, strong willed and brash. Temperments which I rather liked but I knew needed to be curbed.

Then one thing came along which almost brought my plans to a complete sucess. I should say one person.

Obi Wan Kenobi.

She was so despretly in love with him I managed to use it to my advantage, drive her closer and use the fact she would do anything for him to make her turn in earnest.

But she grew wise to my tricks sadly, then the fight came.

My master an I fought tooth and nail. She killed him in the end, but I recieved no other power save what I drained from him.

A slow recoupration then she falls in love. Bah! Love is for the weakminded!

Then to even drive my plans further into the pits, she becomes pregnant wiht two squalling brats who are still even now trying to drive me away. Though the young girl I managed to mark with a brand which will ensure a miserable childhood for her. In the hands of Palpatine.

So I drew power from them and from her and called back the one who I could believe that would get things done in my in my time.


The arrangements were made with other old freinds of mine and the plan was put into mition. First steal the ashes of the revered Jedi Master Qui Gon Jinn.Not only would this serve in my distraction, but many in the temple would take it personally. Good, the fools need a reality check.Then Hoth and Atris were brought back.

For the final Coup de ta I also had Xanatos brought back. She believed her father to be a saint when he was anything but.Then I let them have a break so I could sit back and watch them scurry around like the rats they are scratching their heads in confusion. It makes for such a farce..

Now the final stages of my plan have been put into motion. That fool Cin is gone and of course they go after him because it is their duty.The trap will lead them many diffrent places, picking up the cheese at each hole until they fall right into the bearjaws. Tired and weakened they will not see the finalie comming until it is too late.

I will be truly free again.And the my first task will be to silence all of those Empire dogs. One by one. 800 huh? Numbers won't help you. Be it 8, 80,800 or 8,000 I will take you down just the same, one at a time if I have to.

The Gryphon cannon will fire again, The galaxy will know what true darkness is.

As I take my rightful place laughing..

Laughing at you pathetic souls


Tash199 said...

any Jedi won't believe just about anything you say Catia!

- said...

Cold blood can be warmed.
Never forget that.

Talinda Blackrose said...

Catia we seem to have a lot in common
u have Phobia to haunt, I have Tash

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Yeah. Ok.

Skywalker said...

Have I metioned I loath the sith?

Catia Ravenstone said...

Tash: to put it simply, screw off. You don't know a thing you little pathetic fool

Vincent: Possible yes, but mine has frozen over to the extent that the cold hurts. Salvation is a dream I have long cast aside. it was not meant for me.

Talinda: You have much to learn

DJK*rolls eyes*

Anakin: And I loathe the Jedi, so we can agree to disagree