Friday, June 29, 2007

Note from the author

It's come to my attention that there are some people who have thought it funny to steal my ideas. Funny ,cute, amusing I don't really care. the point is I put a lot of work into this blog and I will not stand for people blatantly stealing my work right out from under my nose. I am a patient person. Heck, Ask nicely, and if you're having some problems with some ideas I'll probably even help you.

But the one thing I do not appreciate and will not tolerate is stealing.

Let me just say that I never intentionally steal anyone's ideas. And if I have in the past I am sorry. It was not my intent to do so.I am bookish by nature so the apparent choice for Catia's prision would be a book. The whole idea of a possession by a ghost I borrowed from an anime tv show that used to be on late night called " Yu Yu Hakusho" one of the main charcters, Suichi had the ghost of a fox spirit living inside his body. Yoko Kurama. Back in the Makai Yoko was a thief and a killer.

The reason why I just explained that is because at one time there were whispers of me stealing the possession idea from another blogger. I wanted to clear the air on that.

I will ask once and only once. Please stop stealing my ideas. It's rude, plain not nice and it also shows what kind of author you are whenever you can't even come up with your own creative ideas. I put a lot of thought and creative time into this blog. Most blog authors do.Some do their own thing like DarkJedi Kriss and Jon the Intergalatic Gladiator; others still play great versions of cannon charcters like Anakin Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi and Professor Xavier for some examples.

By stealing ideas from other peoples blogs, without even asking, it's a thumb to the eye of blog authors. It says " I don't care how much work you put into it, I don't care if this is your charcter. I'm stealing your idea because I'm too lazy to either come up with my own or ask for help."

So stop stealing my ideas.


End of story.

Phobia's author


Anonymous said...

Well said.
Sorry this is happening.

Talinda Blackrose said...

part of this is my fault...

my author is a good friend of the author of Tash and I had wrote a story similiar to yours as an idea and posted it... my character is basically almost a twin to Catia

Tash's author shouldn't take the blame I wrote it first she just had to put it back into her story because we agreed too..

my apologies

Flik Sivrak said...

I think this is disgraceful that people can't come up with their own original ideas for stories. If folks can't do that, then they shouldn't write!
