Sunday, February 04, 2007

The curse of my family pt 4 ( An unexpected call)

It was early whenever I woke. Belda had been watching over me while I had slept it seemed because she was sprawled out on the cave floor asleep. Smiling I rose and tucked the blanket over her before moving off into the morning fog that rolled into the planet.
I had things to do.

The first thing I did was.. as much trouble as he caused me and the Jedi, I gave my brother a respectable burial. He was family and I would have liked to think dad would've wanted it that way.

Once that was done, I hunted down my brother's fighter and found something rather unexpected..

A treasure trove of sith artifacts.. There were no less than 4 holocrons, a star map.. the sword which I recgonized as Naga Sadow's ,and a staff.. which I didn't quite recgonize.. but I knew was important.

I pounded my head angrily against the durasteel door. It would take me another day to retrieve these and get them safely stored in the fight for the transport trip back to Coruscant.

And I would have to have up powerful shields around them to keep Belda from sensing them and getting spooked. The fighter was hidden in an alcove which I made sure was inaccessible to other beings before I left..

So I made sure they were well hidden and decided to explore the valley more in depth. I spent the whole day, climbing exploring caves and meditating to regain my strength.

I always kept a watchful eye on Belda with the force to make sure she was safe and sound. She encountered no trouble during the day. At sunset I went back to camp and found her kneeling by a small fire. When she saw me return she ran up and greeted me with a fierce hug. " Master Deimos! your feeling better?"

I hugged her back and nodded" Yes I am feeling a lot better, but I 'm really tired, but I would like to hear about your day very much Belda" Smiling she proceeded to tell me about her day in great length about all the places she'd been to , what she had done, what sort of animals she had met..I had asked her if she felt any other dark presences in the Valley.

She said she hadn't felt anything there except for a twinge from Phantom Evil..

She explained to me about Phantom Evil in great detail. His nightly visits.. How he terrified her into not seeking help from anyone.. it seemed I was one of the few who even KNEW about Phantom Evil's presence.

The first thing I was going to do when I got back my strength and got back home was consult the grimorie for a spell to banish astral projections and one to battle in the astral world. If I needed to I would fight this demon to protect belda.. Now don't get me wrong I love kids to death, but I felt some sort of special connection with Belda that I have never felt with any other child.. and I could tell, she could feel it too.

She told me of her family, what she knew and I told her of mine of what I knew. We were 2 peas in a pod Belda and I , and to be honest I was sorry to see our time on Korriban come to an end , but it was going to have to sooner or later. As the moon rose over the planet, the projector went off by firelight and I answered.

It was Master Yoda.. whatever it was.. it was very important for him to be calling himself..


Anonymous said...

What it with that sith stuff. I can bite you in you know where.

Skywalker said...

*shakes head*

Kid Flash said...

Belda is a child anyone would protect, but to be protected by a fighter like you to her must be an honour.

Master Obi-Wan said...

Phobia, take my advise and leave those artifects alone. It will only cause problems later.

Master Adana said...

I agree with Obi Wan. Take care that you and Belda is safe and get back to Coruscant with her.

Phobia said...

If left on Korriban, they will cause problems and more lives will be lost. Someone else will get their hands on them and people will get hurt.. They'll be safer locked in the vaults below the temple.. And Kid Flash.. I actually never thought about it that way.. Your right..