Sunday, December 24, 2006

The future.. secrets, and more headaches

When I woke my head felt like it wanted to split in half the pain was so bad. Stumbling to my feet I made my way to what appeared to be the temple and pushed open the heavy doors. The place was too earily silent.. Somethign was wrong, very wrong... There were limited force presences here and I had no idea why.. for one of the few times in my life, I will admit, I was scared to death. What had happened? Normally the temple was buzzing from day to day and now it was as quiet as a graveyard..

The pain abated as I glimpsed a magazine lying on the floor, Empire Monthly? What in all stars was going on? I picke it up and read it.. then it dropped from my hands like I had touched aheated hyperdrive core.. Oh gods.. no.. no.. it couldn't be! A set of hands landed on my shoulders and spun me around.. It was.. me.. but older.. a lot older.. beyond my years even.. " You came through the chest didn't you?" she asked me.

I could only nod.

She quickly pulled me down familiar yet strange hallways til we reached what was and is my quaters " Take a seat.. We have much to discuss" She siad, her eyes somber as she poured some jawa juice. I took the cup she handed me and began to sip slowly " How far in the past are you from?"

I looked up at her.. over the rim of my glass " Well I can tell you that it's Christmas Eve there.. The party.. "

She gave me a curt nod, " whati s going on in your time?"

I gave her a quick recount, about Barriss, Erfia and what had been happening at the temple.. " .. it might not be too late to reverse what happened.." she muttered thinking aloud.. a bad habbit which I swear I will curb if it kills me

I had enough" Explain to me what happened or I will find my own way back! I'm getting sick and tired of you not telling me things! I am you damnit!" my frustration was building like a pressure cooker and pretty soon I was gonna snap if I didn't get some answers.

She sighed" alright, sit still and I will explain, but listen carefully because I don't repeat myself"

I curled up in the armchair as she went into her tale

" Three months after your fight with Harusame, the council offered a potion to seperate Catia from you and give her a body of her own. you took it.. well at least I did. it split us and fora while things were fine.. but then.. soemthing happened. While on a mission to Endor to bring food and medical supplies to the batallion stationed there a hail came out to all of the Jedi telling them to return to the temple. I went back as comanded , but my sneses were on alert. When I entered the temple the warning of danger screamed through the air and I ran for the council room. There stood Catia, saber in hand , her new apprentice next to her."

"Her apprentice lifted his saber to begin striking down the younglings around him, but I threw myself at their feet, pleading for the children to be spared " sheshivered and looked even more dead than alive as she continued " they agreed on one condition, I had to choose who lived and died on the council and through out the whole temple.. The remaining council membersare Master Yoda, Master Kenobi, Ki Adi Mundi and Adi Gallia. and the others who were killed.. I was forced to watch their excutions.. Later her apprentice became Lord Vader and I the emmisary between the Jedi and the Empire.. We are basically Vader's personal assisians now not much more.. Life continues here, but not without constant reminders of what happened, Espically for me..

"Catia dissapeared into the center of the galaxy and has not been herd from since.. I assume she is still alive and biding her time in case her apprentice should fail. She gave Sidious the title of Emperor and made him Vader's handelr in another words" the last part was spat out hatefully.

My mind was having trouble wrapping itself around all of this, but I knew therewas one thing she kept from me" who was her apprentice ?"

Her eyes flashed and she looked at me strenly" I will not answer that, needless to say his betrayl affected us all ." she sighed and stood" C'mon I think it's time you met theman who sent that chip to you.. "

I followed her out the door " who?"

"My husband , Ivan"

More Later
(from Pho's author: Merry Christmas everyone!)


Tash199 said...


Master Obi-Wan said...

Husband? *rubbs chin*

Skywalker said...

HA! I knew you's copy me...Uh, what I say? Never mind...

Anonymous said...

*so lost*

Phobia said...

DJK.. you're not the only one who is lost.. believe me.. it's a miracle I was able to absorb what I did in that short amount of time wihtout going bonkers..