Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Rest,Recouparation, and a discovery part 2

The moment my face smacked against the floor I felt a wave of power shoot through me and I was on my feet. next to me stood.. Ravenstone.. She stood tall and regal as ever, her eyes fixed straight ahead at the stone throne at the other end of the room.

There were sixteen jedi all lined up there. Battered, bruised and broken both mentally and physically . Their eyes were fixed ahead at the man who stood at the head of the room. He had a huge sword over his shoulder. The man was about six foot 5 . So that sword was huge. He walked with ease up and down the row looking at each one in turn. Then he came back to the throne and spoke.

" All of you have comitted high crimes against freedom, against common human decency and against my family. you have endured my torutres which porves that you are no more than devils and demons. I promise you this, all of your kind will be extinguished and the galaxy purged of you and those who would aid you so this can become the dawn of a new age, a new eden. in that knoweledg despair and die"

Suddenly the sword began to glow.. That was a lightsaber? In one swoop he took off the heads of all of his prisoners . " Get them out of here" he spat and shook the carnage from his sword. He took a seat in his throne . " bring her here" he said motioning to someone in the shadows. A young woman was hauled forward. Ravenstone?

I turned to her ghostly image . She had retreated into herself and backed away ,her palms to the wall shaking her head. All of a sudden a book slid across the room to my feet. i piecked it up and then I was back in my own body. I was home.

" Ravenstone, what did he do to you?" I asked quietly as I shut the tome . I reached for the soft leather diary at my side.. I had retirved the diary of Harusume .

" I.. Please don't ask me .. I don't want to talk about it.. just know he made me what I am now.. He must die for what he has done.. what he will do.. he will attack the temple, his dream has not been realizied.. now that he knows I am alive he might try to use you for the machiene"

"Me ? Why ?"

"Because in his own tiwsted way he loved me.. it would be the perfect revenge against me. He could never reach the heights I did, and he was always jealous.. "

Something in her voice changed.. it was laced with pure hate and intoned revenge.

"Wait slow down... We need to take one thing at a time , this could all be a trap. We need to read Harusume's diary and find out more cirtical information"

At that moment my comm went off. It was Anakin

" yah what's up? "

" Pho get down to the city now.. we have a lead on Dooku cooridnates to follow" the com clicked out. I was on my feet in a few moments and after a quick change I ran clear to the garage not missing a beat . Gunning my speeder I nearly busted the keypad in my haste to type the coordinates in . While I was on my way I had a little chat with Ravenstone

" you know this is a trap"
" do i look like I was born yesterday? Of coruse I know that this lead is probably a trap.. If anything the diary will tell us more"
"well we don't have a choice. At least I get to burn off some energy "

I snickered. the first person that got in my way inside the warehouse that wasn't another Jedi would meet my lightsaber.

Landing my speeder I ran up without a sound behind Anakin and poked his shoulder. The look on his face whenever he turned was pretty much priceless,. He probably would've jumped a foot in the air if circumstnaces wern't so dire..

I looked from one to the other and then suddenly the whole idea became clear.. I wrinkled my nose at Anakin. Mildly irrated with me being the bait as I was., I was grateful that they trusted me with this.. well sort of...



Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

You snuck up on Anikin and you were going to kill anyone who wasn't a Jedi? Boy, you sure are silent but violent.

Sorry that I said that, so very, very sorry.

Phobia said...

That's okay.. let me say this much... you learn a lot whenever you have a spirit fused with you.. as of this point she is being quiet.. , her tendancies rub off on me what can I say ? *shurgs*

Skywalker said...

She tries to sneak up on me, I jumped cause of the face expresstion. I KID!

Anonymous said...

I can sneak up on Ani, no problem. LOL! Stalker! But Pho is training, I'm teaching her well I think.

Master Obi-Wan said...

I learned not to sneak up on Anakin, one he sprayed me with hair spray in the face. I was very dipleased.
Remeber to duck when you do it, Pho.

Phobia said...

*nods* Thank you for the adivce Obi Wan.. but let me saythis much.. he tries.. I will slime him. :P

Heidi said...

I can sneak up on Ani, no problem. When he is sleepin with mr. snuggles and the drool is coming out of his mouth onto the pillow - I can push his eyes open and he dont even know it! :)

Phobia said...

ooh.. if you can get a pic of that.. would be priceless.. *giggles* I'm sure DJK can assist you in that endevor ..

Gar-Gar The Cat said...

Purr! I have come to see you! Scratch my head? Meow!

Phobia said...

*giggles* of course Gar Gar *scratches just behind the ears with a slightly lazy hand* I am a cat person by nature, I will make sure to leave some of your favroite food out in case you decide to stop by... which I am going to take a guess would be tuna.. but I have a bit of everything hanging around..