Saturday, August 26, 2006

Awakening, in a fashion

Since my host is still out of it.. I will take this oppurtunity to introduce myself.. I am Ravenstone 1st and only Sith emperess.. The reason why this is ? I became too powerful for the men and they sought to get rid of me..

Oh I have toned down my ways since then, but I still get up to some tricks from time to time... And somehow Dooku and Sidious think they are going to steal the spotlight from me? Hmph!

The only reason why I am letting dear darling Phobia contact Obi Wan about this new devlopment is
1) I despise the wrinkled prune and the ego manical moron, (aka Sidious and Dooku for those who don't already know)
2) this should be MY plan ,not theirs.. and
3) What can I say? after three hundred years or so of hovering in limbo.. I happen to have a thing for the jedi master... Yah I know what yuo all must be thinking me, the only sith empress after a jedi? Well don't scoff because then after you're dead for three hundred years and not any company of the oppsiite sex, I'll make sure to come and gloat at you.

I love my host to death, but sometimes she is VERY annoying.. Like for eexample she is SUCH a goody goody. I mean whenever anakin gave her that gag gift.. If that would have been me,I'm sorry but I'd have jumped at the oppurtunity.

Anyway.... Getting off subject here

The only reason why Phobia is alive is because my spirit is in her.If not for me , she would have died on Jabiim.Ah well.. I wonder what sort of mischief I can sow.. They are bringing me out of the bacta today.. or should I say us.. She is still mentally fractured, so I will be able to have some peace for a few.She was extreamly embarrassed over the gag gift Skywalker bestowed on her, spically whenever one of the temple's biggest mouths saw it and word got around that Obi Wan's picture was in it wiht his private com number on the back. So now I have gotten an idea and it will be sweet revenge, but.. ah crap she's waking up so it'll have to wait til later.

The next thing I remembered was Dorie bringing me out of the bacta and setting me on the table while I got my surroundings. She did remember that I had asked to see Obi Wan , because she had sent one of the healers out to find him, and the plans had been passed along. To make sure that they would arrive safely, I encoded them in an emerald ring. Now I need to get dressed and make myself presentable.It owuldn't do for me to be seen looking like a drowned womp rat, Anakin would get such a laugh.



Skywalker said...

I'm laughing. You have no idea how hard. *snerk*

Anonymous said...

ECK! Possesed much?

Master Obi-Wan said...

"I despise the wrinkled prune and the ego manical moron."

I wasn't aware I was wrinkled.

Phobia said...

No Obi wan.. I was not referring to you in the slighest bit.. I do apologize for Ravenstone's overeagerness.. she was referring to Palpitine and Dooku.. *smiles* I will have a talk with her in due order

Master Obi-Wan said...

Ah, ok. Thank you for clearing that up.

Phobia said...

Not a problem.. and I believe Ravenstone has something to say*kicks her counterpart* .. um sorry aobut that.. I tend to get a bit overzelous.. maybe a home cooked dinner to make it up to you?^_^ *facepalms* Ravenstone not what I wanted you to do! just a simple apology.. see what I mean? she always goes extreme!